Saturday, June 20, 2009


If you are a skeptic or of the sort, this post won't be your favorite - however, hopefully - If I can think this through enough, you might end being skeptical about your skepticism. I don't mean any offense to anyone as I lay out the following statement. It is dumb to not believe in something so you can hold true in your belief that that you don't believe in faith.  Does that make sense? That is a completely negative mentality to live by, and thus by living in negativity, you're energy pretty much draws more negativity to your life. But we'll get into that some other time. 

Karma, what is it? Is it even real? Here is the thing. It is and it isn't. Before we even delve into the specifics of what karma is, I think it is important to first understand the mechanics that allow it to exist, as well as not exist at the same time. 

Belief -  an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.

So when we believe in something, we know for a fact that is true. The same way we know and believe that 2 + 2 = 4. Here's the catch though, in order for karma to exist, you must actually believe it exists the same way you know and believe 2 + 2 = 4. Now think about the severity of what that means. In order for something to exist, you must actually believe it exists. "Your conscious mind creates your reality." Now let us talk about actual belief. Any idiot in contempt of this can say, "well if that's true - I believe a comet will come down and strike the earth, or that  I believe I can fly". But no comet will strike the earth and leave us in eternal darkness, this idiot will not sprout wings and fly off. Why not? Because It's not gonna happen, it's not physically possible, I know it and the idiot knows it. It is important to realize the difference between "believing in something" and "saying you believe in something". Take some time, think about what you believe in, you'll start to find, everything you believe in is true. Surprise Surprise.  Right?

Lets move on. 

Karma almost exists on a different plane or dimension. Think of karma as an invisible energy around you, depending on the positivity or negativity of the karma, your energy will attract different events. The generalization about karma is your actions will lead to chance in future events either falling in your favor or not. This is a giant misconception, karma isn't about what you did, it's about why you did it. Intention, intention, intention, I'll say it again, intention. It's all about your intention behind the actions you exert. I could push someone down to the floor. Good karma? Bad karma? Impossible to tell, did I push this person down to the ground because I wanted to humiliate or hurt this person? Bad karma. Did I push this person down to the ground so the would dodge a bullet? Good Karma. Extreme, I know, but the point itself remains evident, it's all about intention. The best way to view karma is like a game. Being that you can "win" and you can "lose". And whether you win or lose completely lies on why you do what you do. 

The Existence of Karma 

It is important to remember that no two people on this giant planet can ever view something the same exact way, there are always variations. Why? Because no two people have ever lived the same life, everything that happens around us shapes our perception, whether we remember it or not. This fact can make karma very real to some and as well as myth to others. But through experience, I can say it exists. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wake Up: The First and Probably Most Important Entry.

What do you think about when you are alone, in your room, dorm, apartment, house, rabbit hole? Do you think about what's lying in front of you, or do you think about the things that are lesser thought of? I do, that is, think of the latter. I find reality boring, it's bullshit. We're born to live a life of labor (Well most of us, fuck you paris hilton.), we grow up, we study for tests, to get into the best possible college where we study more only to get the best possible job where we can work 9 - 5, so we can make that 65 grand a year, so we're financially secure enough to marry the best possible significant other we can, and live in the best possible upper middle class home - with those purple shutters of course - get the kids that Dalmatian. Then we die, we fucking die, like we were never there in the first place. Sure your kids and your friends will remember you, but one day...they'll die too. And you'll just be a name on a tomb stone that those neighborhood hooligans try and hit with pebbles as they are cutting through your final resting place to go get a slice of pizza, or maybe there off to go get high. The worst part is that those kids, those stoned kids - that was once you, and the even shittier part after that? They'll one day become you. And it repeats. It's not fair to say life is meaningless, cause its not, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that, start looking around more, open your eyes, cause while the ride to your grave can be one hell of a trip, it's exponentially better if your eyes aren't locked shut. Feel me? 

A little experiment:

Next time you're on a bus, walking down the street, in a restaurant, anywhere public, I want you to look for someone, anyone, whether they're sitting in silence, talking obnoxiously into a phone, eating a McDonald's Big Mac, or even stomping out a cigarette, look real hard into them. And I want you to ask your self, "What's running through that person's head right now" Imagine their life, where they're going, where they were, why they are where they are where they are in the first place. because with your eyes shut, they're nobody to you, you'll never seen them again, fuck, in 3 days you'll probably forget you even saw them. But this time it will be different, step into their shoes, because that's what living with your eyes open is all about, take everything in, notice everything around you - the subtle beauty of infrastructure that was so meticulously planned out and so lazily put together by a 9 - 5 drone. You'll soon realize that everyone has their own individually centered lives, they're asleep - they don't even realize you're peering into the privacy of their own presence. The best part about it, is that person would never guess that what you were thinking about is what they were thinking about etc... And if there was ever a moment where you looked at that person and they looked back at you, and both of you and for some reason you were both thinking about what the other was thinking... well that just a mind fuck isn't it?